Happy 20th Anniversary Lulu Publishing!
If they had told me that one day I'd be partnering with the greatest self-publishing company in the world, I'd tell em they're DREAMIN! But it has happened and I seriously take NOT A SINGLE DAY that I get the opportunity to help other achieve their own dreams of publishing, for granted. Lulu Publishing started in 2002. They stood out because they had heart and soul (the secret to success). And over the years, they have helped countless writers become publishers, grown artists, and built up entrepreneurs, like myself. They understand business strategies, while being able to take themselves in to the authors world - giving artists the independence and creative freedoms we have always craved and deserved.
HAPPY 20th ANNIVERSARY LULU! Here's to 20 more years of success and growth! Australia loves you!
Thank you to all the authors in this video, who are now enjoying their own success, with the help of Lulu and Limelight. We wouldn’t be what we are today without YOU!
Featured Limelight/Lulu Authors
ASPHALT, by Jordan Benn
When You Get Naked in The Mirror & A Bucket Full of Crabs, by Marcus T. Bentley
Kentucky And Her Friends, by Dr. Dione Washington, Maya Angel Washington & Amora Milan Washington
The Narrow Gate Revealed, by Michael J Roberts (Coming soon)
Love Unravelled, by N.T. Dieudonné
Rev. William E. Wiatt , Alleged Pirate, Captain Sally, Lawyer Walker, The Stonewall and GRINGOS, By Thomas T. Wiatt
When Dragon Met Possum & When Possum Got Coronavirus, by Shellie Curran
Drawings, by Tyler Greenfield
Write Publish Repeat, The Day it Rained Forever, AKRASIA, The Night Birds, An Ounce of Expectation, Love is Louder than Pain, Open Heart Surgery, She, Moments With Me, Miss Understood, It's Complicated, Confessions, Know the Difference, Careful Harmony, I Know Mummy Loves Me, I'll Always Love You No Matter What, Misuse, & Scripturient, by Lynette Greenfield