Leader of the Pack Simply Hilarious, by Jane Olive
A dramatic romantic comedy with a 1980’s college setting. This book will make you laugh, cry, angry, happy, sad and keep you wondering. It will probably even make you want to pull some hair out! The characters are best friends that meet at college. They learn many lessons about love, commitment, drugs, life goals and family. It is realistic with a touch of fantasy. Enjoy and not to worry, although things might not work out the way you anticipated, they still work out for the best!
Leader of the Pack Simply Hillarious, is now available!
Jane Olive is also the author of, A Breath of Fresh Air, also available now!
Jane Olive writes what she dreams. Both books she has written were full dreams that continued to annoy her until her husband told her to please stop telling him about her dreams and start writing them. The first book she left nothing out and did not realize how long it would be. The second book she made an effort to cut out different parts in order to shorten the story. Her next book is a thriller and she has nine other books in her head after that one. All of these books are based on vivid dreams. Reading her books you literally step into her subconscious. Enjoy the journey.